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šŸ¦ Error Correction Zoo

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Error correction is what ensures that the audio in your phone calls remains sharp, your hard drives do not deteriorate too quickly, and signals can be reliably transmitted to remote satellites.

Over multiple decades, and with the explosion of the information age, an enormous variety of error-correction schemes were developed. Recently, a radically new type of error correction was introduced, one that can protect the quantum information that is stored in a quantum computer or that is communicated over a quantum network.

We created the Error Correction Zoo (see here) to categorize and to organize known classical and quantum error-correction schemes. It is inspired by other similar zoos, including the complexity zoo, the quantum algorithm zoo, the quantum protocol zoo, and the qubit zoo.

One way to help the zoo is to learn about particular classical or quantum error-correcting protocols and contribute entries to the zoo's repository. The project can be scaled. On the easy end, there are tables and other readymade info to enter. On the hard end, one can learn and write about advanced topics such as topological codes (seeĀ topological) and approximate quantum error correction (seeĀ approximate). We also need help with visualizing codes using our code graph.