Check out what's happening with the latest installment of unitaryHACK at

unitaryHACK Rules

  1. unitaryHACK is open to everyone in our global community. Whether you’re a seasoned contributor or looking for quantum projects to contribute to for the first time, please sign up here so we know to look for your contributions!
  2. A contribution to a participating project for this hackathon consists of making a pull request yourself to the project's repository. For pull requests resolving bountied issues, the first accepted PR from the project maintainers will receive the prize!
  3. Hackers can make contributions anytime between May 26th and June 13th AoE.
  4. All participants and maintainers must adhere to the project's Code of Conduct as well as the Unitary Fund's Community Code of Conduct.

If you have any questions about the event contact us, or to get in touch with others working on the event, join our Discord!


We will do our best to ensure that we can get bounties sent to all who qualify, but there are some challenges associated with sending money to countries that have restrictions on shipping or sanctions from the USA. For more info on what countries might be impacted, please see the US Treasury.